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Home » Wiki » Armor Stands » How to add your own Armor Stand Creation

How to add your own Armor Stand Creation

A tutorial on how to add your own armorstand creation.

You made an armor stand creation yourself and would like to contribute it to the datapack database?

You can easily do this:

  1. Download the Armor Stand Tools datapack and install it in your Minecraft world
    (look here for further explanations).
  2. Start Minecraft, enter your world and go to the armor stand creation.
  3. Start the armor stand tools with the following command:
    /function #mch:tools
  4. Click on "Read Armor Stand Data".
  5. Activate the chat output gamerule first, then click on one of the "Read Data" buttons. The button should dump lots of informations to your chat.
  6. After you extracted the data, send us the latest.log from the folder %appdata%/.minecraft/log/ via Contact.