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Home » Player Heads » Blocks

Blocks (98)

Includes all heads which consists mostly from one material. What belongs in this category: the item does NOT consist of multiple materials, the item is naturally grown, and it's not manufactured.

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68058-oak-wood-plankOak Wood Plank
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63909-dirt-blockDirt Block
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50099-grass-blockGrass Block
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48481-redstone-greenRedstone (green)
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39271-iron-blockIron Block
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34259-grass-blockGrass Block
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34231-coal-blockCoal Block
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34220-mossy-cobblestoneMossy Cobblestone
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30007-sea-lanternSea Lantern
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28976-chiseled-quartzChiseled Quartz
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27666-soul-sandSoul Sand
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27498-oak-logOak Log
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27445-wood-planksWood Planks
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27430-breaking-dirtBreaking Dirt
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27413-redstone-blockRedstone Block
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26914-stone-bricksStone Bricks
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26913-redstone-blockRedstone Block
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26539-podzol-blockPodzol Block
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25854-mossy-cobblestoneMossy Cobblestone
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24795-wool-light-blueWool (light blue)
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18244-quartz-pillarQuartz Pillar
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17006-grass-block-alphaGrass Block (alpha)
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13174-iron-cubeIron Cube
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12410-lapis-lazuli-blockLapis Lazuli Block
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6082-bedrock-diamond-oreBedrock Diamond Ore
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6079-mushroom-blockMushroom Block
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5236-green-woolGreen Wool
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5150-iron-blockIron Block
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5149-gold-oreGold Ore
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5146-yellow-stained-clayYellow Stained Clay
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5142-red-sandRed Sand
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5133-jungle-logJungle Log
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5128-end-stoneEnd Stone
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5123-emerald-blockEmerald Block
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5118-iron-oreIron Ore
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5114-white-woolWhite Wool
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5111-yellow-woolYellow Wool
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5106-oak-planksOak Planks
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3603-stone-brickStone Brick
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3581-oak-logOak Log
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3580-nether-bricksNether Bricks
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3568-jungle-barkJungle Bark
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3559-gold-oreGold Ore
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3558-gold-blockGold Block
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3546-diamond-oreDiamond Ore
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3358-yellow-redstone-blockYellow Redstone Block
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3356-purple-redstone-blockPurple Redstone Block
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3355-gray-redstone-blockGray Redstone Block

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