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Home » Wiki » Heads » How to search for Heads

How to search for Heads

Tips and tricks how to search best for heads.

Tags: Custom Heads Player Heads has a very advanced search mechanism for heads.

In order to make this work, we spend a lot of time in naming and tagging heads properly to make it easy to find relevant heads.

There're two different search forms. The first is available for public, the second one is available for Patrons.

Basic Search Form

Basic Search

  • Search for: The search term used for the title of the heads. You'll also get tags which include this term within the results.
  • Mady by: If you would like to find all contributions by a certain Minecraft player, type the name here in order to find them.
  • Category: You can limit your search to certain categories. Either you include one or more categories or you exclude them.

Advanced Search Form

Advanced Search

  • Exact Search: If the exact search is on, only full words will be matched for heads and tags. For example, if you type "Man" without exact search on, it'll also return heads with the title "Woman". With the exact search mode on, only "Man" will be within the result.
  • Include Search Terms: The search results can be improved if you use our internal list of related search terms. If this option is active, we search for some related terms internally and present them within the results. If "Exact Search" and "Include Search Terms" is selected, "Exact Search" has priority for the search results.
  • Include Tags: If you would like your head results to include certain tags you can select them here. The algorithm search for heads which include ALL of your given tags. This way you can perfectly limit a large amount of heads to your criteria.
  • Exclude Tags: If you would like to exclude certain tags you can select them here. The algorithm will exclude heads which have one of your given tags.
  • If you don't know what tags exist, the tag list is linked directly from the form.

In order to use the advanced search form, you need to join the Minecraft Heads Patrons.

Minecraft Heads Patrons

Special Search Features

  • ID Search: The search for one of more ids is possible. Simply use the following syntax in the "Search for" field:
  • Value Search: You can also search for a full value:
    value:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS... (value aborted)
  • Url Search: If you would like to search for the url of a skinfile, just use this syntax: