[UPDATE] LoL Champions List (missing heads 56 )

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[UPDATE] LoL Champions List (missing heads 56 )

Post by DaDiGui »

Good evening!
I'm creating a list of League of Legends Game heads and I realized that there are about 56 missing. In the following list I show below, they are all sorted alphabetically and updated up to the last character of the latest patch. I would also like to say that I found 9 champions that need texture improvement, either by remake of the game itself.
I would be very grateful if someone with head texturing skills could keep updating this list. I wouldn't mind cheering you up with a couple of coffees.

- Aatrox
- Akshan
- Aphelios
- Aurelion
- Bardo
- Blitzcrank
- Camille
- Darius
- Fiora
- Galio
- Garen
- Graves
- Gwen
- Irelia
- Ivern
- Kai'Sa
- Karthus
- Katarina
- Kayle
- Kayn
- Kled
- Kog'Maw
- Lillia
- Lux
- Malzahar
- Maokai
- Nidalee
- Nocturne
- Olaf
- Ornn
- Pantheon
- Qiyana
- Quinn
- Rammus
- Rek'Sai
- Rell
- Samira
- Senna
- Seraphine
- Set
- Skarner
- Swain
- Sylas
- Syndra
- Taliyah
- Trundle
- Urgot
- Vel'Kox
- Viego
- Vladimir
- Xerath
- Xin Zhao
- Yone
- Zac
- Ziggs
- Zoe

greetings and thank you
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