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8th Anniversary Update

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 7:32 am
by LordRazen
Hi everyone,

today is the day: Minecraft Heads is now 8 years old!

When I started this website such a long time ago, I never thought it would grow so big.
Actually I just tried to find a good way to organize my own head collection?

Eight years later, we've grown to one of the largest databases for heads in the world.
And this wouldn't be possible without everyone of you!

The team, the artists and contributors, everyone who helped with the website over all the years and of course it wouldnt work without people who use the website?

Thank you all for the big support throughout the years

With the eighth anniversary of Minecraft Heads, we also decided to make a big change to the datapacks:

The Emerald system will be discontinued and all datapacks will be free from now on!

For those of you who still have Emeralds left, for every 200 Emeralds started, we will give one month without advertising, which is equivalent to the Silver Patreon.

If you have any problems or questions please contact me directly untill the 31th of August.

And well, after months of development, v2.0 is not to far anymore!

There's still no date which I can tell, but you might have recognized that there're also some changes to v1.0 which are nothing else then a preparation to migrate the website.

Wanna see the latest Minecraft Heads v2.0 updates?

Have a look here:

Thank you all!